Dec 24, 2012

Dec 14, 2012

always on my mind

hello. hello. like i wrote a few posts before, i am currently working quite a lot on tracks, on lyrics and in the studio in general. this feels really great. and is really satisfying and making me happy and all that stuff. i also can't sleep. it's always on my mind. it's paradise! well, just wanted to keep you updated. 10 days to go for christmas. ha!

Dec 11, 2012


when it's cold outside i wear a turban and pretend i'm in the desert.

Dec 4, 2012


i've been working a lot on the studio lately, listening to stuff that's there, editing, singing, deleting and thinking. i really don't know how this all will turn out, but that's quite exciting, i guess. but also pretty scary. oh yes.
i pass by these pictures everyday in the morning when i bring my boy to the kindergarten. mOdels!

Nov 21, 2012

o! it's about to begin.

good evening, i just wanted to tell you that first bookings are coming in. very excited. soon to be continued. and: why are you people so quiet on facebook?

Nov 18, 2012


look what i found in lovely Salzburg. O was there. I was there.

Nov 13, 2012

iam On Soundcloud!

so. i did take pictures at the premiere-party. but they are all really bad. so i thought i might rather offer something to listen to. i am on soundcloud!

Nov 5, 2012

sO new

i know i keep telling everybody how i am not a facebook person and not a blog person and not really an internet person at all. but: i try. i just have to get better at it. i didn't take any pictures at the viennale premiere of oysp nor did i take any and the really nice afterparty. but i have another chance: tonight is the movie-premiere at the filmcasion here in vienna, and i'll really try to remember to take pictures so i can post them here and be a good blogger-person kind of thing. see you later!

Nov 1, 2012

this is so O!

My dears. So. It's happening: I uploaded a first track- it's the first one I ever wrote. Become my friend. And tell your friends- so I can become friends with your friends. Exciting! And if you want you can leave a comment- I'd like that!

Oct 29, 2012

Oct 22, 2012

o! Legends!

I met my producer Patrick Pulsinger for lunch today: He just came from the Studio where he was working on Elton Johns new album, so he figured he'd bring him along.

Oct 21, 2012

O-In need of a Friend!

I'm a professional. That's why I do this (have a Blog). But that's not enough. I have a webmaster now. I even tried to do Facebook - and failed. So I have a Facebook-Master, who will be doing Facebook for me. So professional! So there will be my own little Facebook page to keep you updated on things that are happening, upcoming concerts, studio chatter and random stuff that I think could be interesting. To make it even more exciting I will - for the first time- share two songs with you as soon as the page is- how do you say- working? So until then I'll have sleepless nights. And maybe you can become my friend.

Oct 12, 2012

O! Ladies!

Check this out. and don't read the postings. just don't.

Oct 11, 2012

my name!

What's my name? That's my name. i got a wisdom tooth extracted today and feel like i had a stroke. yay.

Oct 9, 2012


this is an old yamaha little thing from the 1970s. It's part of my Orchestra. I also just got sweets from Dr. Böhmat- costumized by my friend Bernhard Rappolt. He added an extra Bass-Button for a deeper bass-sound. Wohoo!
Also: got the Dates for the Viennale Premiere: Nov. 3rd at the Künstlerhaus in Vienna. COme!

Sep 27, 2012

O! Recording

recording xylophone, timbal and some other stuff with flip philipp and ollmann at the Wiener Konzerthaus. Bad picture, sorry. But: it sounded great! Ooh!

Sep 20, 2012


Oh! mixing live-recordings from NY for the upcoming ohyeahsheperforms soundtrack.

Jul 19, 2012

O is ME

So this is it. All is new. The Band is over ( Everything else is about to begin. And my son's first birthday is tomorrow. Let's dance. O.