Jul 26, 2014

oh no. oh yes. and ?

getting ready for a summer, fall and winter in Vienna. happy and sad. a little heavy hearted.
already getting ready for coming back in spring.
so: Vienna! how are you?


Jun 26, 2014

The thing is:

..summer is here. finally. welcOme my dear Old friend. welcOME!

and the thing about summer is: you're Outside. a lot. you don't feel to be inside. at least I don't. i don't feel like spending time in front of the cOmputer (although I still have tO)
here is what I do instead: gO Out (a lot). see concerts (a lot). drink (mOderate). rIde my bike (a lOt). drive arOund in cars (sometimes). gO to the beach (sOmetimes).
sO. OK.

here is what happened:
I went to see a couple of cOncerts. there was Pharmakon (she will be Opening fOr Swans at the Arena in Wien. go!). and Marissa Nadler (touring Europe tis sOmmer). at my new favourite Venue: Saint Vitus in Greenpoint.

then I was invited to see Zoe Kravitz and her Band Lolawolf opening for Polica at the BOwery BallrOOm. pretty neat! and also a great lOcation.
sOme lady spilled a drink on me because Lenny Kravitz walked by and she almost fainted. Kevin- Allein zu Haus was also there. but I don't think he remembers. nOpe.

and: WOOds.
and: WOOdstOck.

and: naked people riding their bike through New York.



Jun 13, 2014

lIner nOtes


i've been working on the liner notes for Messiah.
It's 4 pages long already! and I'm not finished. yet!


Jun 9, 2014

Does it..

..make me to an internet-granny that I only heard of vine yesterday? and this was also only because I got the Rolling Stone Magazine because it has an article on Jack White in it. so Vine. the new shit. I'm happy that I can (almost) handle this stuff here. no need for making 6sec videos. right now. I guess.

anyways. riding my bike through New York is still my favourite way of getting around. subways in the summer freeze everybody into a popsickel seconds after you get in. don't forget to bring a coat a Stirnband and heavy boots if you want to ride it anyways.
and: going over the bridges is the best part about it (riding a bike).
went to Pioneer Works Open Studios. and to our friends house. and back. and forth.
then: I had a couple of down days. wondering what makes sense and what not. forgetting about good stuff and focusing on not so good. stop it! so: better days now.
just: sometimes it feels a little much to handle. all of the things I'm doing and trying to do and trying to find time for doing. and then I feel lonely. although I'm not. this is just something I carry around with me.

so. so. sO.
gOOd night. you dears.


Jun 5, 2014

an afternOON with

two out of three Elektro Guzzi. so nice!
they just released their new album. it's called Observatory.

then: gOt busted while sitting on a playground without a kid eating Indian food. O. and I saw Keanu Reeves yesterday. HandsOme MAN.


Jun 4, 2014


..in special phases I go through. I wake up in the middle of the night. and feel really really panicky. about what's to come. and what's not.

I guess you do, too.

happy 101st pOst!


Jun 3, 2014

I had tO

take a couple of days off. i am sOrry. and i am not. BUT: after a whole Month of pOsting On here every day it really started to bOre me (maybe you? too?) and to get On my nerves. sO I took one day off. and it felt sO good. like not going to school and sleeping late instead. thanks for this! so I slept late a couple of days more. and now I'm back. fOr those of you who know me, or who know this thing i'm doing here: it's happened before. and it will probably happen again. but: i always come back. like nOw.


saw the amazing Elektro Guzzi twice in the last 3 days. first we met at the clOsing event of the Red Bull Academy here in New York. what a fine night. with great bands. although of course my friends could not be topped. sO. went to a Latino bar were we met John. and a girl who showed me pictures of her gras. as in smOke. and of Las Vegas.
sunrise took me to bed. and Mini Me woke me up to watch him going to the bathrOOm. sO this is what I did.

and then: Guzzis again tonight at the ACFNY. they managed to turn this rather not so Discothekesque (yes. I just made that up.) location into a Club. and when the cOncert was over we all thought it was in the middle of the night. 9pm.
sO: Mini Me got to play the drums (thanks, Bernhard. all he wants now is a drumset of his own. indeed! and very sweet). when he wanted to mOve on to the guitar we left.

and: we're trying hard to leave the city again for sOme days. we need some -space. i guess.
and: i've been thinking about a lot of stuff, lately. like how i want things to be. and which things are nOt how i want them to be. and why this is so. and if I can change it. or if I even want to change it. or if it will change by itself if I think about it in a different ay (I guess the professionell term for this is Mindset. right?)

ok. so stuff like this. it's a rOllercOaster. it really is.

life is good.

ps: also saw Le1f last week. gOOd!
and: had my hair cut.

May 27, 2014


family left, friends arrived, others too, preparing for Our first weekend out of the city. can't wait to see trees. and hear nOthing.
tOday: NY. the beach! crOwded!!! still sWeet.

May 22, 2014


Ok ,so I told you I wanted to share the Story of Our Cover Shoot with Elfie Semotan. I'LL really do that very very soon, the only thing is that this takes time- which I don't have that much lately. But: as a little something I thought I might share the drawing Mr.O did for me after I told him what I wanted and how it should lOOk like. Of course everything turned out completely different. But still. I love them. and I think they are really funny.
And I was really (actually I still am!) very serious about them. very.
alsO. Elfie totally agreed on doing all this. i really lOved that, tOO.
sO: there you go.


 the long hair was really important. I ordered a wig. it never arrived.

May 21, 2014


on sunday I saw a guy. he was wearing a TShirt. It had a cheering face on it. The face said "I pooped today".

OK. maybe that's not funny.
still:cracked me up!


May 20, 2014

dId I tell yOu..

..that Our 1st ever Video is finished? It is It is It is! and it turned Out better than One could have imagined. thanks to: www.bernhardrappold.at.

sO. this is really exciting. Otherwise: a lazy day with two hOurs for myself. felt weird!!!

and nOw.
good Nighters


May 18, 2014

I knOw!

I made a promise. this was: to post on here every day. from then on (like what? 2 weeks ago?) Ok. But: in my mind, when I wrote that promise, I also wrote "for the next month" or maybe even "for the next week". Alright. It didn't show up in the pOst. and that means: I made a promise to write On here (in here, out of here) every single day for the next decade (or longer). BUT: yesterday I forgot. and I am really and terribly sOrry for that. but I have a great excuse. I guess.
So: I might forget again. I hope not. I am sorry. I am not a promisebreakeress.

And: thank you for writing me sweet messages, and coming here, and checking out my stuff and wanting to hear more. I'm SO wOrking On it. I guess "stay tuned" is the thing tO say right nOw. and be prepared!

thank you thank you.

gOOD night

May 16, 2014


to the countryside. almost forgot what trees look like.

May 15, 2014

I am A

I'm so shy.
Changed my ways
many times.
Tried to walk ahead of you.
Tried to kiss you all night through.

Tried to inhale you.
I always tried to inhale you.
There was no reason to
not to trust in you.

I'm dragging my wishes
Through deep steps in my mind.
My name is yours now.
Never to escape.

Ok. here are some lyrics. This feels weird. the very last track I wrote for Messiah. Just before the last day of recording.


May 14, 2014


sometimes it's better to say nothing. i guess.
and. people who know me also know that this is really hard for me.

but: i did aerial yoga today (hanging in/on/under ropes, try to do yoga, breathe deeply, and also trying not to make a complete idiot out of myself.)
my ooommm at the end was the loudest. and longest. and lowest. wonder where this is coming from.


life is gOOd!

May 13, 2014

dear yOu

yOu dear,

i know I got a little lazy these last days. posting mainly photos on here. not telling you much more about everything else. sO i thought i might do this soon. like tomorrow. or ..sOOn. but today: Sigmar Polke at MOMA. if you are in new york please go there. or come here to go there. it's worth it. then: Balthazar for Oysters and Champagne. (well, no Oysters for me, I don't want to recite the last time i had Oysters at grill royale in Berlin. it involved Sven Regener, Rammstein, Oysters, Taxis, throwing up. O! and me.). then: pick up Mini Me, trying to hide the champagne-mOOd. thIs is hOw we dO it.
sO: i'll be better. sOON!


May 12, 2014

sO. Ok.

we all know that I was there, and we all know (by now) what I wore. It's mostly Petar Petrov, also some Vintage. and Falke socks. But, since I just recieved this: the last. alsO because trying to look  cool worked a little better here. and because I like the New York Magazine.
and: this is a prOmise: no more streetstyle pictures for ..some time now.

Happy mOthersday you dearest mothers, mothers to be, grandmOthers and almOst like a mother(s) out there. you rule. we do!

picture via http://nymag.com

May 11, 2014

you know what?


gO gO gO, girl!

May 10, 2014

strEEtstyle part2

pre-Opening at Frieze. trying to lOOk cool. didn't work i guess.

Photo by Kyle Ericksen via WWD.com

more here.

May 9, 2014


and: friends are in town. more tOmorrow.

good Night.

May 8, 2014

O! Streetstyle!

there are days when you just dOn't feel comfortable. at all.
in general. or with something specific.

chances to be photographed by a streetstyle photographer on these days: high.
here are some examples.

Qui style street style 2014-04-23 (21)
photo: Mangue Banzima via Quistyle.com
more here

photo: Angela Pham for Refinery 29

and here

sO seriOusly yours:


May 7, 2014


I was sO pregnant. it was sO hot.
Photo: Elfie Semotan

also in the picture: Christoph Pirnbacher <3

May 6, 2014


I almost forgOt! Almost!
But then, since I am such a reliable person (yes! Indeed! Indeed!)
I jumped Out Of bed.
To write you this:

GOOd night. Sweet everything.

May 4, 2014


to tell you a secret:
I got complimented in my nailbeds the other day (these things that hold the nail on your fingers and surround them, in case you never thaught about nailbeds before).
it went like this: "your nailbeds are so beautiful. I wish my nailbeds would look like this"

I was quite embarressed. Don't know why.

May 2, 2014

hOw tO..behave

sO. again.
Yesterday we were invited by our friend Clarine (Merci, Clarine!) to an Intimate Dinner. Sure, I thought, I love intimate dinners! So we went to Park Avenue, took the elevator to the Penthouse and ended up..at the Appartment of the Swiss Consul General and his lovely friend Michel. I brought flowers because I am polite, handed them over to the maid (because maids are what you have when you live on Park Avenue..!). and off we went into the kitche.
..to learn how to cook lebanese. and: we did!!! Hummus, Baba Ganoush, Taboule. It was soo good!
Oh, and Mini Me was there, too. He arrived late, had no gift for the hosts, wanted to have dessert first and didn't feel like sitting at the table. Instead he watched cartoons in the kitchen with the charming chef and two maids who took care of him and fell in love with him. He ate everything they offerd him, even eggplant wich I know he doesn't like at all. So in his way he was very polite, too.
And after he had a lot (a lot!) of ice-cream, blew out all the candels, jumped on the sofa and knocked over a chandlier we thought it was time so say good bye.

Oh, and don't worry. This is not going to be a "my family and me" blog from now on. Just every once in a while. 

May 1, 2014


how to cook lebanese. at the swiss embassy. yep. i'll tell you about it tomorrow.

and: 7 degrees and rain all day. hey spring!

Apr 30, 2014

what I did today?

not much really. just hung out with James Murphy at the West 4th Street Subway station. yOu?

Apr 29, 2014

On: what to make Of stuff

I think I've mentioned before that I really like New York- for various reasons:
the energy, Central Park, the feeling that there is always something new to explore, the architecture,the boat rides, the sea and now I found something new that I love: the people here!
I have to admit that I never really paid too much attention to the people that surrounded me on my various previous visits to the city. Maybe because I was too distracted by everything else that I just paid attention not to bump into anybody then to look in their face. Maybe because it's just different when you are here for longer and (slowly) have the feeling that you live here. With a kid.
BUT: I really like the people here! They are friendly, they pay attention to each other, they help each other. They look funny, sometimes weird. And they don't care. Also: they are very open and just talk to you if they feel like. Just to let you go when you've finished your conversation about..anything.
Ok. And they compliment you on things they like. Your coat. Your shoes. Your son (of course: my son. yepp!). Your pants. Your shirt. Your hair.  And: your eyebrows!
True story.  The other day a young dude walk past me, and said "I like your eyebrows". I still can't believe it. Really can't.
O, and you know that I have this little thing going on about eyebrows (just look left. or right). Still.."I like your eyebrows"?
Made me laugh.

Well yes.
sincereliest yours,
as always!

ps: trying to think of a final Tracklist for the Album. Sooo hard! thaught this would be easy. it's not it's not it's not!!!

Apr 28, 2014

Mini O Me..

..explained to us yesterday that he likes it a lot in New York, and that he actually never wants to leave. Just all of his friends and family should move here, too. 

and: Got my shoes dirty in mud. Met a horse called Marshmallow.

Apr 27, 2014

o. well.

you know what?
I miss my friends.
I miss my family.
I miss my Band.

Sometimes. a lot.
today is one of these days. and i don't feel inspired at all to write a very witty, and very funny blog post (like all my others are. i guess that was funny now. excues me, please)

and then, out of nothing, this comes up:

i guess that's what you call a room with a view.

and you know what: i love being here.

day number one: check.

Apr 25, 2014

Challenge. O!

Dearest Darlings!
I LOVE CHALLENGEs! Well, not always and not concerning every part of life. I have to admit.
But generally: I'm mostly up for challenges that come across
(Sometimes it takes a while to identify "problems" as "challenges", but that's ok. I guess that's a challenge, too.) Yes, OK.
I'm challenging myself. From this day on I promise I will post on here every day. Yep! Every day.
Why I do this? TO SHARE STUF WITH YOU!!! YAY!!!
Be prepared while I prepare myself. And take lots of pictures. And remember everything. most of all: remember to write on here.

Exciting! Again!
And: I saw the first preview of our VIDEO! LOVE IT! And: I still owe you the story (and maybe some non-spoiling preview pictures) of my Album-Cover-Shoot with Elfie!

And: went for birthday dinner. to set the stage for what's about to come we went here:

Sincerely yours, as always.


Apr 1, 2014


sO. the dearest friend Bernhard Rappold (www.bernhardrappold.at) came up with this Idea for a Video. 2 days before we left for NYC. BUT: WHY NOT? so we took a camera, some wine, a hat and a bunch of tulips and shot Our first VIDEO! want to see what it lOOKs like? you'll have to wait a little more for that BUT: here are some stills I can show you already. SOOOO EXCITED! hurra.
also: hellO from finally sunny New York. Winter is over. PLEASE!