Apr 13, 2016



you know you want it.

we'll be playing a minimal setup live set for our friend vincent bründlmayer. yes, this nice guy making great wines.
15.4.2016, Theatercafé, Wien.

it's just going to be Martin and me. pretty intimate!

can't wiat to see you.
join us!

Mar 15, 2016



I'm back. And alive. And why not use this as an opportunity to write again. And tell you how I've been and what I am up to. If you'd like to know.
sO. currently I'm preparing a concert in New York. back and again. back and again. and very exciting. if I can, and decide not to pause on this thing here for another year, I will tell you more about it very soon.
also for the last 5 years I've been thinking about installing an Instagram account. Internet granny that I am. still undecided.
oh, but still: because everybody is only looking at pictures nowadays and not reading that much anymore (or are you?):
pictures to come. soon.

the rest will follow.
ha. I did write again.
lots of LV

Jul 26, 2014

oh no. oh yes. and ?

getting ready for a summer, fall and winter in Vienna. happy and sad. a little heavy hearted.
already getting ready for coming back in spring.
so: Vienna! how are you?


Jun 26, 2014

The thing is:

..summer is here. finally. welcOme my dear Old friend. welcOME!

and the thing about summer is: you're Outside. a lot. you don't feel to be inside. at least I don't. i don't feel like spending time in front of the cOmputer (although I still have tO)
here is what I do instead: gO Out (a lot). see concerts (a lot). drink (mOderate). rIde my bike (a lOt). drive arOund in cars (sometimes). gO to the beach (sOmetimes).
sO. OK.

here is what happened:
I went to see a couple of cOncerts. there was Pharmakon (she will be Opening fOr Swans at the Arena in Wien. go!). and Marissa Nadler (touring Europe tis sOmmer). at my new favourite Venue: Saint Vitus in Greenpoint.

then I was invited to see Zoe Kravitz and her Band Lolawolf opening for Polica at the BOwery BallrOOm. pretty neat! and also a great lOcation.
sOme lady spilled a drink on me because Lenny Kravitz walked by and she almost fainted. Kevin- Allein zu Haus was also there. but I don't think he remembers. nOpe.

and: WOOds.
and: WOOdstOck.

and: naked people riding their bike through New York.



Jun 13, 2014

lIner nOtes


i've been working on the liner notes for Messiah.
It's 4 pages long already! and I'm not finished. yet!


Jun 9, 2014

Does it..

..make me to an internet-granny that I only heard of vine yesterday? and this was also only because I got the Rolling Stone Magazine because it has an article on Jack White in it. so Vine. the new shit. I'm happy that I can (almost) handle this stuff here. no need for making 6sec videos. right now. I guess.

anyways. riding my bike through New York is still my favourite way of getting around. subways in the summer freeze everybody into a popsickel seconds after you get in. don't forget to bring a coat a Stirnband and heavy boots if you want to ride it anyways.
and: going over the bridges is the best part about it (riding a bike).
went to Pioneer Works Open Studios. and to our friends house. and back. and forth.
then: I had a couple of down days. wondering what makes sense and what not. forgetting about good stuff and focusing on not so good. stop it! so: better days now.
just: sometimes it feels a little much to handle. all of the things I'm doing and trying to do and trying to find time for doing. and then I feel lonely. although I'm not. this is just something I carry around with me.

so. so. sO.
gOOd night. you dears.