May 18, 2014

I knOw!

I made a promise. this was: to post on here every day. from then on (like what? 2 weeks ago?) Ok. But: in my mind, when I wrote that promise, I also wrote "for the next month" or maybe even "for the next week". Alright. It didn't show up in the pOst. and that means: I made a promise to write On here (in here, out of here) every single day for the next decade (or longer). BUT: yesterday I forgot. and I am really and terribly sOrry for that. but I have a great excuse. I guess.
So: I might forget again. I hope not. I am sorry. I am not a promisebreakeress.

And: thank you for writing me sweet messages, and coming here, and checking out my stuff and wanting to hear more. I'm SO wOrking On it. I guess "stay tuned" is the thing tO say right nOw. and be prepared!

thank you thank you.

gOOD night

May 16, 2014


to the countryside. almost forgot what trees look like.

May 15, 2014

I am A

I'm so shy.
Changed my ways
many times.
Tried to walk ahead of you.
Tried to kiss you all night through.

Tried to inhale you.
I always tried to inhale you.
There was no reason to
not to trust in you.

I'm dragging my wishes
Through deep steps in my mind.
My name is yours now.
Never to escape.

Ok. here are some lyrics. This feels weird. the very last track I wrote for Messiah. Just before the last day of recording.


May 14, 2014


sometimes it's better to say nothing. i guess.
and. people who know me also know that this is really hard for me.

but: i did aerial yoga today (hanging in/on/under ropes, try to do yoga, breathe deeply, and also trying not to make a complete idiot out of myself.)
my ooommm at the end was the loudest. and longest. and lowest. wonder where this is coming from.


life is gOOd!

May 13, 2014

dear yOu

yOu dear,

i know I got a little lazy these last days. posting mainly photos on here. not telling you much more about everything else. sO i thought i might do this soon. like tomorrow. or ..sOOn. but today: Sigmar Polke at MOMA. if you are in new york please go there. or come here to go there. it's worth it. then: Balthazar for Oysters and Champagne. (well, no Oysters for me, I don't want to recite the last time i had Oysters at grill royale in Berlin. it involved Sven Regener, Rammstein, Oysters, Taxis, throwing up. O! and me.). then: pick up Mini Me, trying to hide the champagne-mOOd. thIs is hOw we dO it.
sO: i'll be better. sOON!
